Do you have Joint Pain? Do you live in Eastbourne?

There are many different forms of arthritis. Some very manageable, and some that can be debilitating.

Generally, joint pain and issues from arthritis lead to joint swelling, reduced range of movement and usually localised pain of the effected joint.

Chiropractic care is a gentle way to aid with the relief of Joint pain and general aches. Chiropractic care can be incorporated as a core adjunct for Osteoarthritis treatment.

It is an all natural form of treatment. No surgeries, no medication. Before you think about having any invasive treatment for your joint pain. Why not book now to see if Chiropractic care could help?

Hip pain

A reduction in hip Range of Motion is often a cause of groin, leg and lower back discomfort.

Some of the most common reasons for tight hips are: prolonged sitting, lack of exercise and not stretching post exercise.

If you’d like to know more about what a Chiropractor could do to aid your joint pain.

Why not book now?

Joint pain