Chiropractic care in Eastbourne

Book in for an in-depth full body examination

At Cornerstone Chiropractic our aim is to enable you to live an active, comfortable and healthy lifestyle.

Chiropractors are primary spine care practitioners. This means we will throughly examine your spine for nerve dysfunctions, motion restrictions and tenderness. Through the use of various techniques they can help to relieve pressure so that the body can heal itself more effectively.

Spine nerve


One of the things we are passionate about is helping you find the root cause.

This is often why Chiropractors don’t just focus on the area of discomfort. Because sometimes the problem can be coming from somewhere else in the body.


We want to enable you to help yourself towards long term health and well-being. We want to help you be able to keep doing what you love.


We will do all we can to relieve your pain, get you moving and feeling better.


Stress is more than that feeling of being overwhelmed. There are several factors to stress:

Emotional - all those FEELINGS and interactions have an impact (for good and bad)

Chemical - the foods you eat, chemicals/cleaning agents/pollutants you come into contact with

Physical - what you do with and to your body


Our approach is holistic, meaning we may not only look at your spine, joints and muscles but also exercise, diet, sleep and stress.

We may recommend other therapies and ways to ensure you get the best care.


Your Chiropractic sessions will be tailored to your needs, and we will keep your preferences in mind.

Chiropractic literally means “to do by hand” so our main treatment modality is to use our hands. It is non-invasive and we have a range of treatments and techniques to help your individual needs.

Using a variety of techniques, our thorough examination enables us to find the root cause of your problem and thus how we can help your body on its journey back to health. We can help people with a variety of health conditions. Why not book in to see if Chiropractic is right for you?

Skeleton Q

What do chiropractors do?

Do you know someone who’s had a spine or nerve problem? You can probably recognise the significance of this crucial part of our bodies.

A Chiropractor uses their hands to apply specific adjustments the vertebrae and joints. This helps to relieve pressure on the various nerves and muscles.

When there is an interference with the spine, it can cause problems in the body’s communication system (the nerves). This can lead to a number of health concerns.

Did you know?

    • Trauma

    • Stress

    • Poor posture

    • Repetitive movements

    • Lack of movement

    • Lack of strength

    • Muscle or ligament strain

    • Bulging or ruptured discs

    • Arthritis

    • Osteoporosis

    • Ankylosing spondylitis

  • In the UK approximately 53% of people suffer with back ache yearly

    Back pain is the leading cause of missed days at work and disability worldwide.

  • Everyone has their own response to treatment and this will often depend on the type of treatment given. Generally speaking Chiropractic feels good.

  • The popping or clicking noise you often hear is the release of gas bubbles in the fluid around your joints.

    It is totally normal.

  • Every person is on their own unique health journey and improvements come in varying degrees and stages.

    Factors such as age, duration and stress levels can effect the outcome.

  • Yes! People can be anxious or feel like they cannot come in because of the amount of pain they are in.

    We suggest that if you can make it to the clinic, we will be able to give you some guidance and help set you on the path towards pain relief.

  • Chiropractors are spine and nerve specialist who look at the body holistically.

    We are interested in the way your nerves affect the functioning of the rest of your body. So we spend plenty of time examining your spine and nerve health.

    We use similar techniques and modalities to Osetopaths and Physiotherapists, but each profession would agree that each is different to the others.

  • Everyone has a different response to care depending on the type of treatment they have had.

    The majority of people say it feels relieving, that they feel lighter and more upright after treatment.

    Some people may also feel like they have just finished a gym session.

  • Anyone who has a spine could have Chiropractic care.

    We tailor our treatment depending on the needs and requirements of the individual.

  • Not necessarily. Your Chiropractor will determine this with reference to your case history and physical examination.

    They would then discuss the necessity for imaging with you before ordering any.

  • Need? No. Highly recommended? Yes.

    Most people who come in for care will require some form of home exercise routine to aid in their return to health.

    The most common areas targeted will be weak core muscles and lack of flexibility as these are often contributing factors to spine, joint and muscle problems.

  • It isn’t free, but it shouldn’t break the bank either. The benefits tend to outweigh the cost, as Chiropractic can help with long term health concerns.

    There have been studies that show Chiropractic is cost-effective.