Sports care in Eastbourne

Did you know Chiropractors are often found working with athletes at sporting events. They are qualified to work alongside other professionals and therapists.

Are you involved in any sports, either team or solo? If so, you’ve probably experienced an injury at some point.

You may have struggled with joint pains, rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbow or lower back pain through your sporting endeavours.

If you’re interested in finding out more, and whether Chiropractic care is right for you, why not book in for a consultation?

Lady with weights


We offer bespoke programs tailored to the needs of the individual.

Rehabilitation programs will include a range of exercises, both in house and at home.

Dumbell Sports

Exercise Equipment

The clinic is equipped with a range of different rehabilitation based equipment to aid in your health journey. Your Chiropractor will assist and supervise your use of these.

Tape Technique

Other Modalities

We offer a range of additions to Chiropractic care, including: TENs, Dry Needling, Taping, Soft tissue therapy and extremity adjusting.