New Patient Information

  1. New Patient form

When you arrive you will be asked to fill out our new patient intake form (if you haven’t done so online before hand). The paperwork will consist of basic information about yourself as well as previous medical history and the reason for you booking the appointment.

New patient consultation
New patient consultation

2. Case History

The Chiropractor will go through the form with you in detail. This is an opportunity to talk about your health related problems and concerns. We will listen to you and give you space.

3. Chiropractic Physical Exam

After the discussion, the Chiropractor will complete a physical examination. This is a hands on assessment so the Chiropractor can find out what is going on with your body. Nothing will be done without a full explanation and consent.

Physical exam

4. Report of Findings

Depending on the circumstances, this appointment may be done on the same day as the exam or another day enabling the Chiropractor time to reflect, do further tests, scans and write up what has been found.

After the exam is complete and any other assessments or scans have been taken the Chiropractor will walk you through what has been found, how and if Chiropractic can help, the suggested schedule and fees.

Report of findings

5. Custom Plan

This is an opportunity to ask questions about the findings and the Chiropractor will discuss the recommendations for your care and the prognosis. This usually depends on how long you’ve had the problem and how severe it is.

6. Treatment

After the report of findings, you will have your first Chiropractic treatment. This will be tailored to your body’s needs and specific techniques will be applied.

Theo Kyriacou treatment

Are you ready to book your appointment? If so, book here to benefit from the online discount!


  • For the initial consultation it is advised that you wear gym clothes but you may be asked to change into an examination gown so the Chiropractor can asses you more thoroughly.

    At any subsequent appointments please wear something comfortable that you can move in. Your Chiropractor may suggest more appropriate attire if your plan requires rehab sessions, or specific modalities.

  • Yourself. It is beneficial to bring a partner, friend or family member with you on your second visit for the report of findings so as to not miss out on any information.

  • Everyone has their own response to treatment. This will often depend on the type of care. However, it generally feels good.

  • The popping or clicking noise you often hear is the release of gas bubbles in the fluid around your joints.

    It is totally normal.

  • Every person is on their own unique health journey and improvements come in varying degrees and stages.

    Factors such as age, duration and stress levels can effect the outcome.

  • Yes! People can be anxious or feel like they cannot come in because of the amount of pain they are in.

    We suggest that if you can make it to the clinic, we will be able to give you some guidance and help set you on the path towards pain relief.

  • Chiropractors are spine and nerve specialist who look at the body holistically.

    We are interested in the way your nerves affect the functioning of the rest of your body. So we spend plenty of time examining your spine and nerve health.

    We use similar techniques and modalities to Osetopaths and Physiotherapists, but each profession would agree that each is different to the others.

  • Everyone has a different response to care depending on the type of treatment they have had.

    The majority of people say it feels relieving, that they feel lighter and more upright after treatment.

    Some people may also feel like they have just finished a gym session.

  • Anyone who has a spine could have Chiropractic care.

    We tailor our treatment depending on the needs and requirements of the individual.

  • Not necessarily. Your Chiropractor will determine this with reference to your case history and physical examination.

    They would then discuss the necessity for imaging with you before ordering any.

  • Need? No. Highly recommended? Yes.

    Most people who come in for care will require some form of home exercise routine to aid in their return to health.

    The most common areas targeted will be weak core muscles and lack of flexibility as these are often contributing factors to spine, joint and muscle problems.

  • It isn’t free, but it shouldn’t break the bank either. The benefits tend to outweigh the cost, as Chiropractic can help with long term health concerns.

    There have been studies that show Chiropractic is cost-effective.

How to find us


251 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7NT


Plenty of space adjacent to the clinic on Eshton road or seaside road.


From Eastbourne station, the clinic is approximately a 23 minute walk.


Carlton road bus stop is the closed stop to the clinic. The loop, 1, 1A, 1X, 51, 51X, 54, 501 buses stop here. The stop is visible from the clinic.


01323 573 482