Paediatric care in Eastbourne

Chiropractic care is safe for children of all ages. Life is full of bumps, trips, falls and hazards, and kids need help to navigate through it. Why not give your child a helping hand and get them checked? After all they’ve got a spine too!

Did you know?

  • Children are highly active, both physically and mentally. The body is busy growing, while the brain is busy taking everything in and LEARNING!

  • As babies learn to walk they are prone to all sorts of small injuries, this isn’t a bad thing (it’s very normal actually) as they learn from these what not to do.

  • Activity levels will change dramatically throughout childhood and into adolescence, research showing that pre-teens and teenagers are generally less active than their younger peers, and that girls are more likely to be less active than boys as they get older.

  • Limiting screen time is very important for the proper development of brain (learning, engaging, words, reading etc.) and body (movements, coordination, balance, eye tracking etc).

  • Proper sleep is essential for the developing child (and adults too for that matter). During sleep our bodies repair damage, sort out impressions, memories and events, make long term memories and so much more! There’s a LOT to sort out.

  • Adequate nutrition is another must - what your kids eat is just as important as how well they sleep and how active they are. Their bodies need loads of very important nutrients to remain healthy, active and growing. So think about what they’re eating, how much and the timings.

Scrapes and bruises are a part of growing up. But even a fall from a highchair can cause a bad head injury. That’s because babies’ heads are twice as big as ours, which makes them top-heavy. And when they land, their head takes much of the impact
— Child Accident Prevention Trust

According to the Child Accident Prevention Trust, approximately 45 children under five are admitted to hospital daily following a serious fall.

While stumbles are a normal part of learning to walk, more serious tumbles may lead to head injuries, which can have long term repercussions. Serious falls and head injuries are not just a problem for infants, but can also be dangerous for kids well into their teens.

If you’re already seeing a Chiropractor, why not bring your kids along and get them checked too?

Chiropractic. It’s a family thing.
