Geriatric Care in Eastbourne

Contrary to popular opinion life doesn’t end when you ‘get old’. Yes, your body changes as you age and you may not be as spry as you once were, thats all the more reason to keep taking care of yourself!

At Cornerstone we believe that where there is life there is hope. Chiropractic care is safe for ageing bodies and joints and can be beneficial in decreasing those pains often associated with ageing. We offer a variety of gentle techniques to suit you.


Some Common Concerns:

  • According to the NHS “around 1 in 3 adults over 65, and half of people over 80 will have at least one fall a year.“ While most of these do not result in serious damage, they can shake your confidence. It can also take longer to recover from a fall.

    Balance plays a large role in trip and fall prevention. Balance is a complex mixture of your eyes, ears and proprioception (joint, muscle and limb location).

  • Our mobility changes as we get older. We loose some of the elasticity in our soft tissues - our muscles won’t always stretch as far, or return to the same resting tone.

    Strength also decreases as we age, this is partially due our cells not replicating as efficiently, so our muscles aren’t made of the same quality of fibre as they used to be.

    Evidence has been shown that muscle mass and strength declines linearly. By the age of 80 we could loose up to 50% of our muscle mass and strength.

  • As our muscles weaken, our bodies adapt to the imposed demands of life, so our posture tends to begin to stoop, we can get shorter, but also find it more difficult to move out of these postures.

  • If your Chiropractor thinks it necessary they will be able to advise you on the use of various aids, orthotics and braces.

  • Osteoarthritis is the term used when our joints become painful and stiff. This is usually accompanied by physical changes to the bones. The can become thinner and develop rough edges.

    If you’re wondering if you’ve got Osteoarthritis you are not alone, many people wonder if they have it.

    Chiropractic can help reduce joint pain (in the hip and knee for example ) due to Osteoarthritis, as part of best practice treatment and exercise.

    There are a variety of different modalities to help manage the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, inclusive of: exercise, orthotics and physical therapy.

  • This is also known as ‘brittle bone‘ syndrome. It is a common occurrence as we age.

    If I have Osteoporosis can I have Chiropractic? The answer is yes. If you have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis or your Chiropractor suspects it through their examination, your treatment will be tailored to take this into account.

    Things such as diet and exercise advice can also help to manage Osteoporosis.

Cornerstone Chiropractic is easy to find, our staff are friendly and helpful. If you have any accessibility needs, please let staff know beforehand so they can be on hand ready to assist your needs.

Why not book now and see if Chiropractic is the way forward for you?